Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus.
Children anywhere from birth to 1 year old.
According to the CDC kids between the ages of 1 and 3.
According to the CDC kids between the ages of 3 and 5.
We call upon all the climbers to join us for a week of
obstacle courses in our brand-new facility of rock climbing,
monkey bars, swinging, rope climbing, and MORE!
ready for a swinging good time at Flourishing Sprouts! Our
adventurers are like climbing monkeys, exploring new heights
and having a blast in our specially designed play zone. Watch
as they swing from excitement to curiosity and leap into a
world of fun at our brand-new facility.
Enjoy the experience of all the fun new games at our new
location! From air hockey to foosball and basketball, our
sports zone is where the fun and friendly competition never
end. Let the games begin!
You are also invited to bring
your own favorite game if you’d like; including your
electronics for the week* (Electronic games will be used for a
specific time frame)
Do you love animals? This will be the week to learn about some of your favorite animals AND meet some real ones too!!
Do you have your very own tent? You may bring it! If not don’t worry we can share! This is the week we will be doing all things camp related! Did someone say SmMoorreess?
Have a sweet tooth and love to bake? This week will be one for the books and literally new recipes to add to your cook book!
Let’s use the best ingredients to create our favorite foods in our brand-new kitchen!
We will be creating our best art pieces using a variety of different art methods and expressing ourselves while at it!
Explore our very own front yard and all it has to offer! Supporting local: unicorn café, Danforth bowl, restaurant food, Dollarama shopping, and more!
This week we end the summer with a BANG! You won’t want to miss out on this week because we will literally be bringing everyone back from the highlights this summer! Oh, not to forget the last day PARTY of this week/ summer is EPIC; snow cones, popcorn and cotton candy for the final BYE of summer camp!